Sunday, June 22, 2008

Are we 'big boys' yet? Growing up with growing pains...

When it comes to boys, we have learned that all good things come in time...their time...not our time. We have also learned that a household with three boys aged 5, 3 and 2 presents a variety of challenges - or should I say opportunities? In this case, you will see some of our photo opportunities that presented themselves recently as our boys continue to grow, express their personalities, and become little Willard men.

In the case of the duct tape on the shoes...well that is a story within itself...and just a part of the little ones learning about respecting authority and rules at school. Given that, I will just let your imaginations run wild...

1 comment:

Christie said...

I've enjoyed catching up on how much the boys have grown! Can't wait to see more.